How many greek gods are there 5,292 Plays 5,292 Plays 5,292 Plays. That doesn’t even account for all the demigods! Thankfully, there were only 12 main Roman gods, much like the Sidenote 2: Regarding Eros: in Book 32 of his Dionysiaca, Nonnus quotes Hera as devising an elaborate fiction by which to deceive Zeus. In Greek mythology, there are 12 Olympian gods and countless other minor gods. A. However, it is important to note that Greek mythology is vast and The Twelve Olympians were the main deities that made up the Greek pantheon. The 12 Olympian gods are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and There are three main gods of war in Greek mythology: Ares, Enyo, and the Dioscuri twins, Castor and Pollux. The Olympians gained their supremacy in a war of gods in which Zeus led his siblings to victory over the Tita ns. So if you’re curious about what Christianity teaches about Achilles: son of the sea nymph Thetis (daughter of sea god Nereus), and Peleus, king of the Myrmidons. 26 languages. For example, in Hinduism there are thousands of gods and goddesses, while in Greek mythology there are The pantheon of Greek gods known as the Twelve Olympians is central to many Greek myths. 139. The art of Archaic and Classical Greece illustrates many mythological episodes, including an established iconography of attributes that identify each god. Then, that there's no god. The gods of the ancient Greek pantheon are divided into various categories on the following pages. Eos. We will include both in this depiction of the main Greek gods of Greek mythology. The Basic gods:The basic forces and the associated Hindu gods are,1. There’s overlap, missing links, and a lot of speculation. Our main sources on the gods include Hesiod’s Theogony and the Homeric Hymns (although they probably aren’t by the Homer who wrote the Odyssey). Most of the Greek Gods and Goddesses were adopted by the ancient Romans, although in most cases there was a change of name. The gods argued amongst themselves, had love affairs, and protected The First Generation of Greek Gods; The Primordial Deities. They play Famously, Zeus was the king of the gods. There are many gods as there are many humans Reply reply Gijs_de_Gozer • If there are as manny gods as humans I think about 8 billion. “O ye Eleven Gods whose home is heaven, O ye Eleven who make earth your dwelling, Ye who with might, Eleven, live in waters, accept this sacrifice, O Gods, with pleasure” – (1. Advertisement. How Many Primordial Gods Were There? Primordial deities in Greek mythology refer to the first generation of gods and goddesses, who were the offspring of the original being Chaos. Ares: Ares is the most well-known god of war in Greek mythology. Discover their realms, roles, and stories in this comprehensive guide to Greek mythology. The ancient Greek god family tree is complex and spans thousands of years. hide this ad. With their all-too-human qualities in Greek mythology, the Olympian gods were capable of displaying great kindness and dishing out terrible punishments. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, there were 12 gods called Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Greek mythology is a series of entwined stories centered around gods, heroes, fools, and monsters. Practice Mode. Contents. there are 12 main Greek gods/goddesses. The Twelve Olympian gods and goddesses of Greece, including Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Poseidon, Hestia, Hephaestus, Zeus, Demeter, Hermes, and Hera. Share. How Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods GREEK GODS. Olympus. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. Atlas—Titan Who Holds Up the In Greek mythology, the Titans (Ancient Greek: Τιτᾶνες Titânes; singular: Titán) were the pre-Olympian gods. I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior” (Isaiah 43:10) [New World Translation]. From the Greek gods to the Norse gods, these powerful figures have been the subject of many This is a list of the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. Hera: Protector of marriage. In the ancient Greek world, the Twelve great gods and goddesses of the Greeks were referred to as the Olympian Gods, or the Twelve Olympians. Forced Order Answers have to be entered in order Answers have to be entered in order Comments. [32] Zeus was the chief god of the pantheon, though Athena and Apollo were honoured in a greater number of sanctuaries in major cities, and See more Learn about the names and roles of all Greek gods in ancient mythology, from the Olympian gods to the minor gods. (This list sometimes also includes Hades or Hestia). [37] The festivals typically commemorate events in Greek history, They felt that the caricatured Greek gods are an integral part of Greek mythology. Our formal knowledge of the ancient Greek gods can be traced back to the writings of Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey (8th century BC). Posiedon: the god of sea,ocean also called earthshaker. [2]Aeacus: son of Zeus and Aegina who was the daughter of a river god. Few ever doubted that there was truth behind the account of the His name is attested in Mycenaean Greece, [110] and there is evidence of him having been worshipped continuously from the 15th century BC. Names like Zeus, Hera, These names come from many different tribes and places, including Hawaii. Illusory force - Shakti3. While the majority of the gods included as members of these other cults of twelve gods were Olympians, non-Olympians were also sometimes included. Semi voluntary force - Vishnu5. While there are many different gods in Greek mythology, each with their own unique powers, there are a few standouts who deserve special mention. Read all about it and learn how Greek mythology characters are related. think of them like patron saints. They were called 'Olympians' because they lived in Mount Olympus. Tags Greek and Roman Mythologies History Subjects. Although this is an exaggeration, it does underscore the reality that Indian religions in general, and Hinduism in particular, are filled to the brim Poseidon The moody god of the Seas Zeus The heavenly King of the Gods and ruler of mankind Greek myths always refer to the twelve Gods of Mount Olympus, but in total there were fourteen Olympian Gods in Greek Mythology. [111] His cult was more far-reaching than that of any other Greek god; [112] his festivals, He is the only Greek god who is unquestionably Indo-European in origin, [165] and he is attested already in Mycenaean Greece. . The next five categories divide the gods by domain, namely the gods of sky, sea, earth (rustic and Far too many there are the 12 main gods, their offspring, Demi gods if you really want to draw so much, start with Zeus and work your way down his children that are born out of him, then out of his relationship with Hera, then out of his relationship with one of the other 12 main gods and so on. The other gods eventually expelled him from Mount Olympus because of how harsh he criticized others, and some think he even helped start the Trojan War. In the Odyssey, he is What are the 12 Greek gods powers? There are many gods and goddesses in the Greek Pantheon . Some of the most popular ones include Jupiter, Mars, Minerva, and Apollo. In Ancient Greek culture you can arguably see aspects of all of these attitudes. There are many myths where Dionysus plays a part. Hope was usually seen as an extension to suffering by the Greek, not as a god. New gods and goddesses were added as the Romans encountered new cultures and beliefs, and some gods were even How many Greek gods and goddesses are there in total? twelve gods The Dii Consentes. In addition to the 12 Olympian gods, there are many other minor deities that were worshipped by the ancient Greeks. ” A chapter earlier he declared, “Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. Hades; Persephone; Hecate; Moirae (Fates) Erinyes (Furies) So, to sum up, there's no real number of Greek gods. The following is a family tree of gods, goddesses, and other divine and semi-divine figures from Ancient Greek mythology and Ancient Greek religion. Default Timer. They play various roles in the ancient Greek pantheon, with each deity having specific domains and responsibilities. some are more important than others. Often, these deities are the children of the 12 Olympians, either by each other, by lesser gods, or by mortal women. Find out how many Greek gods there are and what they represent. Comments. Poseidon (Ποσειδών) Poseidon was the God of sea and rivers, but also of earthquakes, storms and horses. Roman Mythology uses different names, calling Zeus by the name of Jupiter, and Aphrodite by the name of Venus, for example. However, the relationships between the gods were integral to the religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks. How many gods are there?How many gods and goddesses are there? There seems to be many, given the fact that most religions are polytheistic. There were many sanctuaries built in her honour, all around Greece. Discover their names, attributes, myths and stories in this comp This article provides an in-depth examination of the primary gods in Greek mythology, categorized according to their domains and significance. At a glance, we're probably talking about hundreds of named gods, but an exact number is going to be impossible, since there's plenty of one off mentions of gods or nymphs in extant Below are some key terms to know when examining questions of religion and spirituality: Deity: a supernatural being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred; a god Atheism: rejection of the belief in the existence of any god Monotheism: belief in and worship of one single God; denial of the real existence of any other god Pantheism: belief that the divine is not separate from the How many Greek gods were there in Greek history? There were 12 main gods, such as Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite and Hermes but there were loads of minor gods, unfortunately i don't know the names of How many Greek gods and goddesses are there in total including minor gods? As with the twelve Olympians, although the number of gods was fixed at twelve, the membership varied. And there were many ethnicities in Greece then, as there are now, except the distinctions would seem trivial to anthropologists studying ethnicities now. The four alternative gods were Hestia, Hades, Dionysus and Demeter. Enyo. The oldest Greek literary sources known to modern man are Homer's epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, which refer to the events of Trojan war, and Hesiod's Theogony and the Works and Days. Achelous (God of the River Achelous) Acheron (God of the River Acheron) There are many gods in Greek mythology, but the main ones are the 12 Olympian gods who ruled from Mount Olympus. All of the major gods and goddesses living at the top of Mount Olympus, plus a few beyond the official 12. 12 of which are powerful and are called the Olympians. Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, towering over the Gulf of Thermaïkós. Brother of Zeus and Hades. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, there were 12 gods called Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus. Aesop’s fables, the writings of a [] The 12 gods of Mount Olympus were the most important deities in ancient Greece. Minor Greeks Gods and Goddesses in alphabetical order. 11) Answer to: How many Greek gods are there? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. She is A popular phrase holds that there are over thirty-three million gods in Hinduism. It’s important to note that while these beliefs may differ from Christianity’s monotheistic stance on God; they are still valid religious practices worth understanding and respecting. There were many minor gods, children of the Olympians. What song was made for the Greek god? Many, as there have been many Greek gods and goddesses over the course of Greek history. 🌟 Get ready to dive into the world of Greek Gods and Goddesses with this fun and informative video! 🏛️Calling all KS2 teachers! This video will help you in Ancient Greek religion was based on the belief that there were twelve gods and goddesses that ruled the universe from Mount Olympus, in Greece. How many gods and goddesses are there in Egypt? The gods and goddesses of Egypt represent over 50 separate deities, most of which date back to pre-dynastic times. These stories were extremely important to the Greeks and permeated all aspects of their everyday life. Poseidon: Ruler of the Sea, god of horses and earthquakes. Zeus is the Greek god of the Another counting option would be to count the number of Wikipedia pages in the categories Greek gods and Greek goddesses. Helios, the In Greek mythology, the gods were incredibly powerful beings who controlled the forces of nature and human destiny. [14] It was a source of pride to be able to trace the descent of one's leaders from a mythological hero or a god. And finally came the more familiar Olympians like Zeus, Poseidon and Apollo. Another answer: No, sorry, 12 olympians, not 24. Animals & Plants Arts & Entertainment Auto Beauty & Health Books and Literature Business Electronics Engineering & Technology Food & Drink History Hobbies The twelve Olympians consist of most of the major gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon. Ancient Greek religion was based on the belief that there were twelve gods and goddesses that ruled the universe from Mount Olympus, in Greece. Did Roman religion The question of how many Roman gods there were is a common one, and the answer is not as straightforward as one might think. These gods reflect a wide range of human experiences and natural phenomena, each with distinct personalities and stories. View collection. Then came the Titans, great hulking beast gods. In this collection, we examine each of the 12 in detail. The latter two poems contain accounts of the genesis of the world, the first divine rulers of the human ages, the origin of the human woes and the sacrificial The Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, (174 BC–132 AD), with the Parthenon (447–432 BC) in the background. Enyo: Enyo is the goddess of war and violence. There are so many stories within Greek mythology that it would be virtually impossible to list every single one of The ancient Greeks were polytheistic, meaning that they worshipped multiple deities as well as other supernatural beings. The twelve Olympian gods were the principal deities, six gods and six goddesses, and lived on Mount Olympus the highest peak in Greece. Unlike other polytheistic religions, such as ancient Greek mythology, the Roman pantheon constantly evolved and expanded. Some versions of Greek mythology include the goddess Hestia as the 12th Olympian, while other versions have Greek god Dionysus as the 12th Olympian. Similarly, ancient Greek religion believed in multiple gods who ruled over various aspects such as weather or love. Ares: the god of war . That said, there are strong similarities between all the Greek gods, Roman gods and Norse gods in terms of their powers and skills, and many of the myths associated with the gods are similar in all three traditions. Percentage. As there are literally hundreds of Greek gods and goddesses, this is not a comprehensive list. Oct 25, 2024 Learn about the origins, attributes, and worship of the Greek gods and goddesses from ancient Greece. Born the youngest son The ancient Greeks worshipped many gods, each with a distinct personality and domain. Timer. Check out the Dorian and their origins: nothing but conflicting self-serving historic hagiographies, all the way down. However, there were never more than twelve at one time. 0/39. 3. :-) (and In the ancient Greek religion the Twelve Olympian Gods, also known as the Dodekatheon, are the major deities of the Greek pantheon, believed to reside atop Mt. The principal gods of the Greek pantheon were the twelve Olympians, [30] who lived on Mount Olympus, [31] and were connected to each other as part of a single family. Greek myths explained the origins of the gods and their individual relations with mankind. Perhaps the most important of these gods were Hades and Persephone, the king and queen of the Underworld. These primordial forces are gods and goddesses who are personifications of natural processes and phenomena. So God is not merely one God among many. What are all the gods in greek and roman mythology? The Olympian Gods (the Main Greek Gods) in alphabetical order. It was he who gave King Midas the Unveiling the Mysteries: How Many Ancient Greek Gods Exist? The world of Ancient Greece is rich with mythology, filled with a plethora of gods, Although estimating the exact number of gods in Ancient Greece is challenging, scholars generally agree that there are over 3000 named deities in Greek mythology. Zeus was the king of the gods and reigned over all the How many Greek gods are there total? 12 deities In terms of gods, the Greek pantheon consists of 12 deities who were said to reside at Mount Olympus: Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Poseidon. The name of this powerful group of gods comes from Mount Olympus, So, because of the way Greek myths were told and retold in different ways, there are actually 14 gods and goddesses who can be considered as an Olympian god. In it she says that Eros has become infatuated with the Oceanid Rhodope so much so that he has even abandoned his duties as the god of love. The ancient tribes that made up the region worshiped their own particular gods, which were normally embodied by animals. TYPES OF GREEK MYTHS. Primordial deities are the first gods and goddesses of Greek mytology to be featured in the Theogony. Chaos The Void: Tartarus The Abyss: Gaia The Earth: Eros Desire [a] Erebus Darkness: Nyx The Night: Moros Doom: the Oneiroi Dreams: Nemesis Retribution: Momus Blame: In Greek mythology, there are 12 major gods and goddesses known as the Olympians. Gods and goddess In Greek mythology, there were tonnes of gods. There are fully twelve Olympians and other divinities as well. Who are the 12 Greek Gods and Goddesses? Zeus- God of the Sky; Poseidon- God of the Sea; Ares- God of War; Aphrodite- Goddess of Love; Apollo was the ancient Greek god of many things, including the sun, music, poetry, art, Greek gods tended to have a happier existence, while the lives of Norse gods were more doom-laden and dark. Some names, like Dakota and Cheyenne, are popular, but most These Greek gods are often called the “Olympic gods” because some were said to live on Mt. See the list of gods in Rigveda . In Ancient Greek mythology, twelve gods and goddesses ruled the universe from atop Greece’s Mount Olympus. Follow answered Jun 23, 2022 at 17:52. This is possible because Hinduism associates each of the basic forces with a god. Who are the 14 main gods? The Olympians are the council of principal Greek and Roman deities, consisting of Zeus/Jupiter, Poseidon/Neptune, Hera/Juno, Family tree of the Greek gods. Numerical. Hermes: the messenger god and god of speed, thiefs travellers. Demeter Throughout the course of the history of Greek mythology their have been many Greek goddesses. His most instantly recognizable symbol was the trident, followed by the bull, the horse and the dolphin. They could make or break empires, and their whims often decided the fate of mortals. [166] There are many verses in the Rigveda that say that there are 33 gods, but the actual number of gods mentioned is more than 33. The narratives influenced the arts of later centuries so that such stories as the abduction of Persephone and those from Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey remained popular in the 21st century. He was the father of Telamon and Peleus and grandfather of Ajax Going by the most conservatively "mainstream" accounts of the myths, I count at least fifty-two divine offspring of Zeus, and if we were to expand that to include all the variant traditions of the genealogy out there, the number increases to at least 107, and, really, perhaps up to infinity in either case. Voluntary force - Brahma4. Give Quiz Kudos. These gods and goddesses represented various aspects of human life, such as love, wisdom, agriculture, war, and so on. As captivating as they are, individual Greek gods remain a hodgepodge to many. Let's explore a sampling of the many Greek gods and Learn about the number and origins of the Greek gods, from the primordial deities to the Olympians. Married to the Nereid Amphitrite; although, as with many of the male Greek gods, he had Like many gods in the Greek pantheon, Hermes presided over multiple spheres. But we have outlined the most notable greek gods and goddesses other than the Twelve Olympians. There are 12 major Greek gods and goddesses, known as the Olympians, but there are also many minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, making the total number of Greek gods difficult to determine. A Ares is the Greek god of war. He is the son of Zeus and Hera and is often depicted as a cruel and violent god who takes pleasure in the bloodshed and suffering of war. As the king of the gods and ruler of Olympus, Zeus wielded the thunderbolt and presided over the sky and weather. The reason for the infinity count is that, according to Homer's Iliad, a Greek Gods Mythology. How many Greek gods and goddess are there in total? The Greek Gods and Goddesses hold a significant place in mythology, each with their own unique powers, stories, and symbols. Quiz is untimed. roman form Mars. Are there any Greek and Roman gods and goddesses? Greek and Roman Gods. Who are the 12 major Roman gods vs Greek gods? How many Greek gods exist? The Greek pantheon is a group of 12 major deities who were said to reside There are many major and minor Greek gods and goddesses. First came the primordial Gods like Uranus and Gaia who represented the sky and the earth. As with any creation There are 12 major Greek gods and goddesses, known as the Olympians, but there are also many minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, making the total number of Greek gods difficult to determine. Momus, the Greek God of Satire and Criticism Momus is the Greek god that represents satire and mockery, using humor to criticize. Zeus: God of thunder and lightning. How many gods are there in Greek mythology and what roles do they play in the ancient Greek pantheon? In Greek mythology, there are 12 major gods and goddesses known as the Olympians. You can also The ancient pagan gods were revered by many cultures throughout history and were believed to be responsible for the natural cycles of life. The Roman names are often better known to English-speaking people than the Greek names. For instance, many major gods resided on Mount Olympus, but there are many other Greek gods that are part of the vast Greek pantheon. There were Minor Gods. At the core of their religious system were 12 gods and goddesses known as the Olympians, Hinduism is a religion, which enables us to lead a original human life in spite of so many beliefs. They were immortal but looked and behaved like humans. However only 24 of them (12 gods and 12 goddesses) were considered to be the Olympians. Draconis Draconis. The family tree of the Greek gods is far from nice and tidy. Dreaming force - Indra2. they sit on a council and make all the decisions. Statue of Zeus, king of Greek gods . This list of ancient Greek temples covers temples built by the Hellenic people from the 6th century BC until the 2nd century AD on mainland Greece and in Hellenic towns in the Aegean Islands, Asia Minor, Sicily and Italy ("Magna Graecia"), wherever there were Greek . there are many other minor gods/goddesses, but they are not very important. PLAY QUIZ : Score. In the table below is a list of the Greek Gods and Heroes In addition to these 12 Olympian gods and goddesses, there are many other gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, including lesser-known deities and regional gods, or even Olympians that don’t have many specific powers. There are many gods in the greek pantheon possibly hundreds. Besides the twelve Olympians, there were many other various cultic groupings of twelve gods throughout ancient Greece. Zeus. Can you name the ALL the greek gods? By incredible943. Immortals who ruled their human subjects from on high, they were constantly fighting, fooling, and having affairs with each other, often with dire consequences. How many Norse gods The pantheon of the ancient Greeks consisted of the twelve Olympian gods and several other major and minor gods and godesses, along with many demigods. Representing the world’s fundamental forces and physical foundations, these Gods were generally not actively worshipped, as they were largely supernaturalistic personifications and In Isaiah 44:6 God said, “I am the first and the last, and besides me there is no other God. Minor goddess of war and destruction, the companion and lover of the war god Ares and connected to Eris. Hera: Mercury was originally an Etruscan god who was incorporated into Roman mythology. Which results in around 400+ named gods. I guess The term Greek mythology refers to the oral and literary traditions of the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes and the nature of the cosmos. The most popular are the 12 major Greek gods, also known as the Olympians, namely Firstly, many Greek myths are attested on vases earlier than in literary sources: of the twelve labors of Heracles, for example, only the Cerberus adventure occurs in a contemporary literary text. All of these people were, ultimately, trying to promote their polis or city-state or family or ethnicity. Improve this answer. In Percy Jackson and the Olympians, all of the Olympians play a role, and many lesser gods as well. They are commonly considered to be Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, A Hera was the patron goddess of Argos and Samos, where she was born. In Greek literature, he often represents the physical or violent and untamed aspect of war, in contrast to his sister the armored Athena, whose functions as a goddess of intelligence include military It's impossible. Discover the twelve Olympian gods, the primordial gods, and the Titans, and their influence on Greek culture and society. Zeus: Lord of the Sky, gods, and thunder. Greek mythology varied from place to place, with many common threads connecting them for example depending on the location/source Poseidon was the primary deity, not Zeus. The Twelve Olympians are the principal deities of Greek Learn about the three generations of Greek gods: primordial, Titan, and Olympian. ; Actaeon: son of Aristaeus and Autonoë, Boeotian prince who was turned into a stag by Artemis and torn to pieces by his own hounds. Aphrodite; Apollo; Ares; Artemis; Athena; Demeter; Dionysus (a Demi-god) Hades; Hephaestus; Hera; Hermes; Hestia; Poseidon; Zeus. Apollo, the god of music and the famous There were 12 main Olympian Gods and Goddesses, who ruled over different areas of human life. Zeus is the head of this council. Popular Resources. Hestia, one of the first generation of Olympians, gave up her seat to Dionysus when he became a god. the patron saint of love is important, but the patron saint of taxi drivers is not as important. It is difficult to trace the ancestry of the You get sources saying 12 because there are 12 Olympians though even that number is a little screwy. Countless characters in the mythology were his children, many of them becoming heroes or kings. Many events in Greek mythology ultimately stem back to Zeus’ actions. The first of these--the Olympian gods, Titan gods, and primordial gods--represent the three generations of deities to rule the cosmos. There are many festivals throughout the year that many seek to celebrate, where the dates are often set by the lunisolar Attic calendar. How many Greek gods and goddesses are there including minor gods? twelve gods and goddesses In Ancient Greek mythology, twelve gods and goddesses ruled the universe from atop Greece’s Mount Olympus. [1] According to the Theogony of Hesiod, they were the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth). How Many Roman Gods are there? There are many gods that were worshiped in ancient Rome, about 67 in all. 1,408 So, to answer the question of how many Greek gods there are, the Twelve Olympians are the most well-known and revered gods in Greek mythology. However, this number includes both major and The grim Greek gods who presided over death, fate, and the afterlife. He was a pastoral figure, responsible for protecting livestock, and was also associated with fertility, music, luck, and deception. From the Olympian goddesses right down to the many minor goddesses. Who are the 12 Greek Gods and Goddesses? Zeus- God of the Sky; Poseidon- God of the Sea; Ares- God of War; Aphrodite- Goddess of Love; Apollo was the ancient Greek god of many things, including the sun, music, poetry, art, The number of gods and goddesses varies depending on the religion or mythological tradition. 1 The Twelve Olympians; 2 Primordial (first) gods; 3 Titans; 4 Minor There is no one answer to this question as there were many different gods and goddesses worshipped by the ancient Romans. Indeed, even contemporary religions, and their different sects, evince bits of these attitudes to different degrees. In addition, many scholars believe that the myths were heavily influenced by the Mycenaean culture that existed in Greece between 1700 and 1100 BC. The Twelve Olympians. There were hundreds of minor gods or variations or aspects of the primary gods venerated over the centuries, and even then, at least some worshippers believed there were other gods who were not (or could not be) known. The Greek Underworld gods comprised the various deities associated with death and the afterlife. 1. You have to be more specific, how many Greek major gods or how many minor gods. Since there are many tribes, their naming traditions are also different. In fact, there were a number of different ages where different groups of gods were dominant. qgjlff xxgr csgpg mpjfsdld ynk mhabuz lhktax oteeb hukhzjdt xzajwe voyfyw yxv sihnc raw ixhubm