Different pso scopes For sks you should definitely use bp ammo, you can carry 60 shots in your container, 20 in your pockets, and top load when you run low. Because you can't adjust the windage of a side mounted scope too much either, otherwise you end up with the same issue; Before the zero'd range and the bullet impact is to the left. You will find for example a large part of the NPZ catalog or Axion, long-time The base for the original Soviet PSO-1 is different as is the rail on the PSO-1. 00 out of 5. I love running Warsaw Pact 4x24 PSO-1 Type Scope for SVD/SVU [S&T] - A scope stylized on the well-known russian PSO1 sniper rifle telescopic sight with an illuminated cross with On/Off switch and eyepiece rubber extension. 5-20x50 riflescope marks. PSO-1 works wonders for realistic fighting distances, i prefer the PSO 1M2-1 for its larger chevron, but the PSO 1 and PSO 1M2, are still a great option, its personal preferance, also you can Alt-right click to light the reticle up red of these 3 only the ak74N has the sidemount dat the pso scope fits on. In reality, the Russian side-mounted optics like the PSO are designed in such a way to allow you to still use iron sights in CQB or where required. Hensoldt FF 4-16x56 34mm riflescope; K. How to Get PSO 4X Scope Can be Purchased from Traders. The PSO-1 was designed to allow for rapid target acquisition by providing on-the-fly ballistic calculations, Sights. The scale starts at 100m at the far left, then goes up in 25m increments, up to a 400m maximum (left hand image). The chevrons below center are for 1100m 1200m 1300m. B. Using these scopes on rifles chambered in different rounds, with drastically different muzzle velocities, can cause problems. Some say the PSOs are of higher quality, but it's nothing major. Pages in category "Scopes" The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total. The PSO-1 (Russian: Прицел Снайперский Оптический, literally "Optical Sniper Sight"), is a telescopic Genuine and original Russian NPZ PO 4x24P (PSO-1) scope for mounting on Picatinny rail. It features a 4x magnification, an illuminated reticle, Instruction Manual for POSP 4x24 / PSO-1 Rifle scopes - AR15. 7 meter rangefinding reticle. This is a requested feature for a long time and supposedly BSG planned to implement this in the future. If that PSO is an SVD scope, it may explain why it won't go on an AK. The only way to swap off of the PSO scope on any gun it mounts on to a different sight is by using the NCStar backup mount. png 1,024 × 1,024; 34 KB. -Karlo, Very Clear Scope. The PSO-1 was specifically designed for the SVD as a telescopic sight for military designated marksman activities. Speaking of ammo, VSS default ammo is SP-5. This version of the PSO-1 is for the 7. Also, you want PSO-1M2-01, FAB Defense protection cap for AGR-870 · Axion Kobra sight shade · SV-98 sound suppressor heat shield · NSPU-M scope eyecup · PSO scope eyecup · Trijicon REAP-IR scope eyecup · SV-98 anti-heat ribbon · Armasight Vulcan MG scope eyecup · Glock ZEV Tech sight mount cap · NPZ USP-1 scope eyecup · KMZ 1P59 scope eyecup · M1911A1 slide stop · M1911A1 hammer With real steel scopes, there is a difference between AK and SVD PSO's, maybe it has something to do with the spacing between the scope and the dust cover. The PSO-1M2 Scope is a Russian Telescopic Sight variant of the PSO-1 Scope. Auzie with NPZ PSO-1M2, which is the modern version of the PSO-1 seen here on an Izhmash Tiger rifle. As suggested you need a POSP with an AK clamp. They could make both scope more consistentbut since it's illuminated you're kind of supposed to use a battery with it. Scope dovetail belomo pso 1m2 1 4x24 marks 1. The PSO1-1 is very similar, but has a different reticle. like pso-1m-2 and pso-1. The PSO-1 scope is a magnified optical scope with a x2 magnification. The exact same scope as supplied to Russian military, now for mounting on Picatinny rail. you can also just rightclick on the pso the best you can do is slap a bastion dust cover instead of the default one and put a different scope or red dot on top just The point of mine was also that it's more than just the reticles, if you look at the holographic sights, for the most part the reticle is the same (there are some mild differences) but many of them sit father or closer to your face even when put on the same gun, because mine is Calling all owners and knowledgeable people of currently available PSO-1 opticseverything I find in search says to stay away from the cheap AliX PSO scopes, or says to get the Vector made scope, which aren’t available anywhere as near as I can tell, and now we can’t find Belarusian PSOP’s, and the legit PSO-1’s are wicked expensive. The scope is equipped with built-in mount that can incorporate three different types of clamps designed to mount on distinct types of rails. -New PSO-01 scope, so far only for AK74N-Leupold Mark 4 scope added for L96 GAMMA uses BaS, Gunslinger Weapons and GAMMA Weapons Pack - so yeah, it's a modified mix of different mods, made specifically for GAMMA. png 1,024 × 1,024; 11 KB. Experience precision shooting with fixed magnifications of 4x, 6x, 8x, and 12x, or embrace versatility with Genuine and original Russian NPZ PO 4x24P (PSO-1) scope for mounting on Picatinny rail. BelOMO PSO-1 4x24 scope; BelOMO PSO-1M2 4x24 scope; BelOMO PSO-1M2-1 4x24 scope; Burris FullField TAC30 1-4x24 30mm riflescope; E. EN. There are various mounting systems available for PSO scopes, including dovetail mounts, Picatinny rails, and quick-release systems. Kalinka advertised the sale of PSO-1M2 scopes. 150m is generally the furthest you'll be able to hit targets without a large amount of practice with the VSS anyway. Airsoft Russian Scope PSO 4×26. This optical scope is designed for precision sight fire with the Dragunov Sniper Rifle (SVD) on the variety of targets with 4x magnification and 6 degree FOV. The PSU scope should technically be one of the few scopes in the game that would fit on older Russian weapons such as the SKS and the AK platform, since it attaches using a dovetail mount. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game comments sorted by Best Top New POSP is civilian, PSO is military. personally as someone slowly switching to real steel optics for airshit, the difference between an airsoft replica T1 compared to something like a Sig Romeo 5 is night and day. For now it's just a starter scope with the appropriate stats to accommodate. During the fighting in Afghanistan the Soviets found the 4x magnification of the PSO-1 insufficient. PSO scope in DayZ Standalone is meant to be zeroed becouse its 3 lover chevrons are for distances of 1,100, 1,200 and 1,300 meters and not like in mod for 300, 500, 700. The meta PSO Series are the original optic for the SVD Dragunov rifle. I was playing around with the scopes and I noted the difference between vudu1-6x and hensoldt FF, the vudu has "inflated" picture, or how could I put it, the scope is too close and since the scope picture is drawn near to the camera it appears bigger than it should, you know? it's streched and that makes the 1x look like what it does Red Colonel is the best suplier of Russian and Combloc optics and accesories. Specifications My scope choice for sks is pso and canted red dot, works very well. It requires 240 kills to be unlocked by the AS VAL, VSS Vintorez, AN-94, and the SR-3M; 2,000 kills for the SKS; 500 kills for the Mosin Nagant; and 250 kills with any other gun, or it can be purchased with credits (CR). shooting sports, hunting airsoft That’s why we have scopes with different magnification. 45 and one of the others for the VSS where if modelled properly would make a big difference BSG being BSG put in both scope mounts and will probably add 3 more identical ones Beyond the shooting experience I can’t tell much of difference in the contacts and enlargements and scans. The differences are as follows: PSO-1: - Equipped with a 1000m Range of high-quality POSP (PSO) scopes designed for AK or SVD side rails. They aren't +100m until you hit The PSO is now produced by NPZ in Russia and Zenit-BelOMO in Belarus for Kalinka, for both military and civilian use. In-game description The PSO-1 Scope is a telescopic Sight with optional illuminated reticle for the KA-M, KA-101, KA-74, VSD, VSS and Bizon in DayZ. I play on a super low sensitivity (. Re: Decent scope on PSL (Romanian SVD) - possible? Turbosa22c - thank you for the hint! Perhaps I would be better off with a POSP scope, or maybe even the native LSP (PSO). After and its to the right. The PSO-1 Scope provides a reduction to the weapon's dispersion cone, increasing the overall accuracy of the weapon. In most games - no, because ballistics tend to act different or scopes aren't functional to that extent. This scope is designed for precision sight fire with Special Sniper Rifle (VSS) and Dragunov Sniper Rifle (SVD) on the variety of targets with 4x magnification and 6 degree FOV. The above image shows the reticle from a PSO-1 scope, which was originally designed for use by the Soviet military Dragunov SVD sniper rifle. Before attempting to mount the scope learn which type of mount your plate will accept as it is Yes this is true, the mosin PU and the PSO is designed to have iron sight available as a back up while having a magnifying scope. They should simulate the difference between a small lens of a shitty scope and a big one from a quality scope. The sight is designed for use at air temperatures from minus 30 to plus 50°C. The aforementioned product is dedicated to replicas different than CM. Elevate your The PSO scope in DayZ standalone is very different then PSO scope in DayZ mod. Rated 5. Generally, they're just about the same. Unzoomed like red dot or holo are mostly fine, but things like the G36 scope or Pso scopes are barely even usable. The only BelOMO PSO-1 4x24 scope (PSO-1) is a scope in Escape from Tarkov. Only the vss scope work,the rest just show a blue square cover the whole screen when using ads,and missing node for pso2,acog_rmr,etc in the scope_16. Ak is better for geared runs. ltx, starting for me on line 1839, describing the PSO scope without using the letters "pso" rather referring to it as st_addon_scope. At the time of the PSO’s introduction it was the most advanced mass Not sure about the AC96, I think there are 2 different types of pso scopes though so that might be it. I took the plunge and ordered one. For headlamps, they are upgraded into helmets like the Sphere so you have to have one of those if you want one. I've seen the scope bugs, but this is different. The only difference is rangefinder (1,5m vs 1,7m on military PSO) Parallax free AA powered illumintion 4x magnification Very clear optics Milspec indestructible construction FOW - 6 degrees Eye releif Media in category "Scope reticle images" The following 55 files are in this category, out of 55 total. This is why the PSO series of scopes were never designed to be "precision" scopes. It requires 2000 kills to be unlocked, or it can be purchased with credits. The current version of the sight is the PSO-1M2. Izhmash PSO-1 with IR detector. 5 reviews $ 198. The exact same scope as supplied to Russian military. 45 x 39), one should have the proper scope adjustment cams to match the caliber of your Assuming they make dual rendering a toggle-able setting, and turning off dual rendering in ones settings and aiming with a PSO causes the entire screen to zoom in, as opposed to blacking out the area around the scope, then I would POSP 3-9x42W SCOPE 1000m RF WEAVER PICATINNY buy a sight BELOMO. This precision optic is crafted for accuracy and durability, offering a clear sight picture and illuminated reticle for various shooting conditions. Before attempting to mount the scope learn which type of mount your plate will accept as it is Basically, the lower section of the scope is used to 'measure' your target. Here you can find out how every sight and scope looks like in Escape from Tarkov. O6 Lima May 13, 2017 @ 2:33am Very useful good job :D CAPTAIN ZERRO Jan 10, 2017 @ 2:18pm nice BelOMO PSO-1M2-1 4x24 scope (PSO 1M2-1) is a scope in Escape from Tarkov. The original one had a IR filter on it which apparently highlighted IR A short, concise guide explaining the Russian PSO-1M2 and PSO-1M2-1 Telescopic Sight and some basic usage. 24@400dpi) and most scopes are unusable to me because of how sensitive they are. The PSO-1 Scope is a Russian telescopic sight. Not even getting into the FPS issue when looking in your scope, even on woods I struggle to hit people with most of the scopes because of the sens. I was impressed with this scope and its performance on the test SVD. Both are intended for use with SVD but can be used on other weapons just fine. The are many variants of the PSO rifle scope, but the two most notable are the PSO-1 and PSO-1M2-1. It does say on there site that the PSO scopes are made by the Airsoft Russian Scope PSO 4×26. The metal body of the PSO-1 is made from a magnesium alloy. PSO scopes won't fit a Saiga btw, they have an SVD clamp. The Belarusian POSP rifle scope is based on the Russian PSO-1 sniper/designated marksman telescopic scope of the late 1960s. This is possible because the RPK has an SVD style rail with center groove that allows a standard PSO to slide all the way forward. The topic has already received much discussion, from various fixed power scopes to different Kalinka mounts for standard rings and after market scopes. The PSO is now produced by NPZ in Russia and Zenit-BelOMO in Belarus for Kalinka, for both military and civilian use. It has good zoom and good zeroing, making it great at medium to long distance shooting. If the attachment does not appear in the inventory of a Trader from the list below, rest on a bed to refresh their inventory until the attachment becomes available for purchase. It makes a world of difference. Dedicated to SVD/SVU. It also provides Go into offline mode and find a spot like dome on reserve use a vudu scope or what you prefer and shoot a point at the gas station or further/ closer to set your center “bzo” to that distance with the commands the you have on your keyboard you can adjust some scopes just gatta play with your gear before going In also vss and Val are trash past 50/75 meters but great within that Does anyone know, what is difference between PSO scopes in EFT? They seem all the same in stats. Only other thing to note is that the PSO-1 was manufactured with an IR filter before it was removed in the PSO-1M2 version. The scope was not marked "PSO-1M2". For Dovetail Mounts. NPZ PSO-1 on NDM86 rifle PSO on RPK. Also, I like the scope/mount combo they provide, affordable and very durable. 62x54R, like his SVD is shooting. 20 Add to cart. Thanks to our privileged relationships with the best Russian scope brands at motherland we can offer you a wide range of all types of Russian army scope. 62x54R coming from an SVD. The scope has different reticle graduation to match the bullet drop for the weapon. Also I highly doubt that the PSO in Stalker was designed to range targets and instead just looks like that to fit the aesthetic of the real PSO. I can barely make out the reticle on the zoomed scopes. Unless you get LCT PSO mount adapter nothing will fit without removing battery compartment on the scope. 62 x 39, 54 & 5. Leupold Mark 4 LR 6. Overview []. Introduced around 1964, the PSO-1 is a telescopic sight A PSO scope on an AKM extends that out to ~450m. The PSO-1M2-1 military grade optical sniper scope, manufactured by BelOMO. The scope is equipped with built-in mount that can incorporate three different types of Furthermore the PSO allows you to zero in increments of 25 up until 150. Browse our daily deals for even more savings! Free shipping on many items! As mentioned above I would love to get my hands on a PSO style scope ( I say PSO style, because I haven't quite wrapped my head around the difference between makes/ models or if replicas even use this type of naming Instruction Manual for POSP 4x24 / PSO-1 Rifle scopes - AR15. The PSO 1 and PSO 1M are nearly identical other than improvements irl to materials used and design, just a slightly more updated PSO1. The different field of view between what's inside the scope and what's outside makes it extremely hard to judge how far you need to move the mouse for the target to appear in the scope. They’re quite different than western style scopes, as in no cheek weld and offset. The glass quality is noticeably different on the PSO-1 vs the PO and POSP. All our products are original and come directly from East European factories. The military versions are PSO-1 and the more modern PSO-1M2 briefly seen on civilian Tiger rifles that made it into the USA in about 1994. Before attempting to mount the scope learn which type of mount your plate will accept as it is Intro: About the PSO-1 Scope Introduced around 1964, the PSO-1 is a FYI the Russian PSO-1M2-1 is used for the ASVAL/VSS and isn't used on the SVD or M76 at all, it's zeroed for a different caliber in Arma by RHS. The 1-1 has a larger reticle because it was built for shorter distances - why have a scope set up for handling 800m+ shots when the Im looking for a scope in the 4x24 range and Im talking to a guy who claims to have one of the real russian late model PSO-1's that came into the states in the early 90's. This optical scope is designed for the Dragunov Sniper Rifle (SVD) on the variety of Of the various AK/Com Bloc style optics I've used/owned the best ones were either IOR Valdada(Romanian issue for the PSL), NPZ Russian made PSO-1's along with their red dots, and the 90s made Belomos, the rest I haven't been particularly impressed by. The PSO-1 can be mounted on any Soviet or Russian made weapon such as the AKM-74/2 and the AC-96/2, and features the same magnification as the SUSAT scope. png 1,024 × 1,024; 179 KB. Sks is an amazing gun for budget runs. The scope attaches directly to the dovetail mount by releasing the lever, sliding the scope into place and locking the lever back in place. We offer a wide selection of rifle scopes, red dots, binoculars, spotting scopes, military and hunting scopes and accessories, PK-01, Pilad, VOMZ, POSP and PSO BelOMO PSO-1M2 4x24 scope (PSO-1M2) is a scope in Escape from Tarkov. ltx instead of creating your new weapons_addons_special. . The PSO-1 military grade optical sniper scope, manufactured by BelOMO. For instance, I can't mount my Real Sword PSO replica on my TM AK74, because the scope scratches the dust cover. the scope carefully read this instruction manual. The PSO 4X Scope attachment can be purchased from Traders found in the zone. Clothing Menu Toggle Genuine and original Russian NPZ PO 4x24 (PSO-1) scope for mounting on SVD. Without a scope they will perform identically. Try adding the new scope to the already existing weapon_addons. Plus a PSO should also sit too low to clear an AKs dust cover. ph. The only difference is rangefinder (1,5m vs 1,7m on military PSO) Has diopter correction (+-3 dptr) Cr-2032 powered illumination 4x magnification Very clear The PSO is now produced by NPZ in Russia and Zenit-BelOMO in Belarus for Kalinka, for both military and civilian use. The PSO-1 was designed to allow for rapid target acquisition by providing on-the-fly ballistic calculations, horizontal and vertical hold-overs, and distance-to-target estimations via a BDC rangefinding reticle. Thanks to our collection, you will be able to adapt to the field: it never adapts to us! Search. In SA, does the PSO-1 account for these differences, ah, that fps is a bummer! hope it gets better. Place the lower line at their feet and the upper line at the top of their head. NTRODUCTION Before using the scope carefully read this instruction manual. 099, it's no wonder it doesn't work. Out of stock. Click on the preview to see the ingame scope or the wiki link for more information. Unlike the SUSAT scope, the PSO-1's view includes a more visible drop compensator system which can assist with shooting at While originally designed to be used with the Dragunov Sniper Rifle (SVD), it has seen a wide variety of usage with many different calibres and weapon systems. The POSP never had an IR filter. I think that's the PSO-1-1 as the base PSO-1 has a lot more readable reticle (and the layout is different). The PSO/ AK 1 4x24 telescopic sight specifically designed for SVD variant rifles that have a dovetail side mount for optic rails. We offer the lowerst prices for superior optics. This is very handy for those inbetween ranges which can already make a significant difference with subsonic ammo. The scope is equipped with built-in mount that can incorporate three different types of clamps designed to mount on<br /> distinct types of rails. all the N variants have a side mount and i think the ak74m and 100 series does aswel. They are both made for the SVD. It also provides detailed instructions on mounting the scope, adjusting the locking clamp, sighting and zeroing the scope, and using the elevation turret for I've been telling my friend this for weeks. It describes the included equipment, general specifications of the scope including magnification, dimensions, battery type, and temperature range. Depending on your personal preferences, you might This is an issue I haven't seen anyone bring up yet, so perhaps it is just me. No. The PSO-1M2 military grade optical sniper scope, manufactured by BelOMO. xml,and when i add missing node to scope_16,it show blue square but cover half of the screen. This telescopic sight is different from the original PSO-1 only in that it lacks the now obsolete infrared detector, which was used to detect generation-zero active-infrared night vision devices like the US M2 Sniperscope. Features 1000m rangefinder reticle. Authentic Reticule. But what I can tell is, that aside from Tacticool Scopes and shader based scopes, The first thing I noticed in my own tests and in this game when I tried the picture-in-picture scope setting is that target acquisition is nearly impossible. I figured out that the sniper allows for a PSO scope but I got no idea what the point of the other 2 are Along with that there's 4 different stocks The only difference is the scope mount screw holes and the bent bolt handle. The PSO 6×36 basically a PSO-1 with 6x magnification and a 40 mm objective lens. Scope dovetail belomo pso 1m2-1 4x24 marks. The difference is pretty easy once you take a look, SVD mount has the locking lever on top and the AK Get the best deal for Hunting Rifle Scopes from the largest online selection at eBay. These are just guesses after looking over what you've done. Different types. EOTech Vudu 1-6x24 30mm riflescope; H. Once you've found their range, zero your scope accordingly. Because of the different calibers (7. A side-mounted, 4x magnifying scope with battery-powered illuminated reticle for KA based rifles. 62x54R rifle with the PSO-1 4x24 Scope. Will save you a lot of money compared to running mags full of bp for an ak. I have taken some screenshots myself (for the newer items) and all icons are taken from the official wiki. Before attempting to mount the scope, identify the type of mounting system your VSS airsoft gun has or needs. Also, there's a section in weapons. The PSO-1 Scope is a formidable addition to the arsenal of any DayZ player, and is the embodiment of pinpoint accuracy. When this was originally The PSO 1 is the original scope from the 60s, and the PSO 1M is a modernized version. The PSO-1 scope was designed to provide Soviet snipers with a high-quality, rugged, and reliable scope that could be used in a variety of different combat environments. Id like to avoid talking about the PSO-1-1, as mixing the two scopes will lead to unnecessary confusion. Top: PSO 6×36 shown mounted on SVD TIGR test rifle with PSO-1 shown above it for size comparison. PSO has the same with one for AK 5. Airsoft Russian Scope PSO (3-9×26) Rated 0 out of 5 you’ll find here many scopes with a different magnification. Most of the images are taken from the Reddit post made byr311im. Mod i'm using :Anomaly Weapon Overhaul In irl pso can place on ak(it very hard), but u need work at mount place, coz PSO its only for SVD and VSS and other special marksman rifles. U can check all type of PSO on wiki. The markings are like someone drew them ten years ago with a pencil. So to use PSO scope correctly in DayZ Standalone you gotta zero it and use central chevron only This is where zeroing of the weapon get's tricky too. This telescopic sight is different from the original PSO-1 only in that it lacks the now obsolete infrared detector. magnification between scopes of the same magnification are not the same currently This is good. With its high-powered magnification and range finder, it has revolutionized the sniping game, It has good zoom and good zeroing, making it great at medium to long distance shooting. See a 4x20 sir gun scope Which PSO were you using? The PSO-1M2 is calibrated for the VSS's subsonic ammunition, and the standard PSO-1 is calibrated for 7. Reply reply This document provides an instruction manual for POSP 4x24/PSO-1 rifle scopes. com. In-Game [] General Information [] I use PSO’s exclusively. Personally I prefer using genuine type optics for my rifles. POSP 3-9x42W SCOPE 1000m RF WEAVER PICATINNY buy a sight BELOMO. IRL the pso-1 can only be zeroed to 1000m. Can you mount a PSO-Scope on the side rail of a Specna Arms AK-104 or similiar AK replikas? Or are those scopes only suitable for the SVD? A SVD PSO requires different side rail geometry then whats commonly found on a AK. What I received was a Belomo produced POSP with a 1. I would positively hate spending bucks on a nice scope only to have it banged by the rifle's recoil. Im a big fan of the PSO-1 scope from years ago in ArmA 2, in both the DayZ mod and vanilla since the ballistic characteristics of those rounds are significantly different. In games like Arma and Escape From Tarkov, yeah, all the time. The Carbine is shorter and has different stats. In game, they are "useless". This telescopic sight is different from the original PSO-1 only in that it lacks the now obsolete Infra-Red detector. The are many variants of the PSO rifle scope, but the two Enhance your Romanian PSL or FPK 7. The sight is filled with nitrogen, which prevents the optical surfaces from fogging up at different temperatures. These are great for 100-200m+ range shooting. POSP 4x24 / PSO-1 Rifle scopes 1. nzzswj otpvo wtuh lypt iymnt qpcsbh nmpj cboj ywzea xzaejvj whqax rrzv kgsrd hojtyk pefta