Calamity mimics. Drops on the vanilla wiki.
Calamity mimics tinyurl. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies The Corrupt Mimic is a miniboss that spawns rarely in the Underground Corruption. Controversial. CrazyContraption. Mimics, Present Mimics, Sand Elementals, Reapers, and Wraiths are now immune to knockback. After the player has defeated the Moon Lord, a whole new level of progression is unlocked, containing several powerful bosses that will push the game's mechanics to their limits. 0. edit. com/playlist?list=PL0nCMs-EUJf9ZBPv_V9wMzegHwi86MWkFSee other Calamity's Vanities is a vanity addon for the Calamity Mod that focuses on expanding upon the mod through various cosmetic additions. Was looting the abyss, and I had a prehardmode mimic spawn? Not from a statue either, a natural spawn. ; Tips. When swung, it shot a single projectile that dealt 75% of the weapon's base damage and inflicted Ichor for 0. The respective Mimic is spawned as soon as the Chest is Hiachi's Request is a one-time event in The Mimic. Mimics are still a rare enemy, it can take awhile to spawn them, even if you are doing everything right. A collection of 32 items created by. Miracle Matter is a craftable post-Moon Lord crafting material that can be crafted after the Exo Mechs have been defeated. They can also be spawned by putting a Key of Night into any empty chest. 33%: Honey Cooling Cell: Tool: The Plaguebringer Goliath: 1 1% Hyphae Rod Abombination • Ashes of Calamity • Astral Chunk • Artifitial Reactive Matter • Bloody Worm Food • Celestial Geode • Ceremonial Urn • Charred Idol • Cosmic Entangler • Cosmic Worm • Cryo Notes. It has a unique stealth mechanic that adds new attacks to its weapons. These serve to test the player's skill and knowledge, and allowing additional tiers of weapons and items beyond Biome mimics can spawn naturally in the underground corruption/crimson. Normal mimics can only be found in their corresponding biome. 0: Introduced. 6. New. Mimic Image Title Health Speed Type Spawn Rate Wave Minecart Mimic 500 1. the goal is to run around the mimic shooting at it and dodging as many attacks as possible. Due to the way the projectiles spawn, this weapon is exceptionally effective against Worm AI enemies, as every one of the falling shards will hit their long body. It has a 1/5 (20%) chance to be dropped by Corrupt Mimics. youtube. ok, did dog, was possibly even easier than base calamity revengence (as long as you avoid his head) gonna try to go back and do providence now that I have godslayer armor. It uses Gel for ammunition. Dig down and and make a lava pit. Drops on the vanilla wiki. Where is the Corruption Chest in terraria calamity? For corruption Instead of mod config, go to the main menu settings and set hp bar to calamity. 秧鶏 Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. Reply reply The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. The Key of Night is a craftable item that spawns a Corrupt Mimic or a Crimson Mimic when placed in any slot of any empty Chest, depending on whether the world generated with The Corruption or The Crimson, respectively. It is used to craft weapons from the endgame "Exo Weapons" set. The following seeds can be used to generate a Get fixed boi world (case-insensitive): get fixed boi • getfixedboi The general setup for a Mimic farm is quite simple: Find yourself a mountain, or generally a place with natural dirt walls that isn't too deep (else you'll get golden Mimics with double health). If an enemy makes contact with the gun, it causes a massive explosion, Jungle Mimics are currently unused enemies, they are not able to be found unless you are on a secret world seed, they spawn in the underground jungle and drop money, angel statues, 69 party girl bath water, terra toilets, stink potions and etc. Mimics may spawn in pre-hardmode with Made a pretty standard afk farm, but if I want to farm biome specific enemies (mainly hallow or crimson) I can't afk it, because biome mimics will spawn and kill me, as they can move through blocks Leave as the only item in any chest to spawn the Mimic. my subreddits. So just to make sure nothing's If the Vanilla Calamity Mod Music is enabled, the vanilla Moon Lord theme will be replaced with Virtuous Radiance, which was composed by psykomatic. Is there any easier way to either farm Ice mimics can only spawn in the underground ice biome. On each swing, it will spawn 2 red, blue, or yellow cosmic stars at semi-randomized locations near the Most enemies drop loot when the player kills them. Canyon Calamity Its follower description is a reference to Frosty Mountain. 1 Used in; 2 Tips; 3 Trivia; 4 History; Crafting Used in. 75 seconds. Award. It can be bought from Deviantt after one has already been defeated and the world is in Hardmode. It looks like we failed our investigation check. This key, when placed in a chest, will guarantee a (biome specific) mimic once you close the chest. 4) 15. It's not in mod config, but in main menu settings. The usual sky house is located on top of the island, and the house has a locked Corruption Chest which contains the Scourge of the Corruptor. A wiki. In the case of Biome Mimics, the requirement is the biome, so that should work out as a bare minimum. If Musket Balls are used as ammo, they are transformed into explosive bullets that are able to damage the player. If you spot a glowing chest with that, you know it's a mimic. It has 3500 health and attacks by lunging or stomping on the player. Since the entity doesn't have health, it also Some mobs spawn based on surface, some on your current biome. The Plague Humidifier mimics the screen #calamity #infernum #terraria #tmodloader Hallowed Mimic Weakness:Ice Sickle (Ice Merman Drop) Crimson and corrupt mimics can spawn in non-centric worlds, you do need specific items to do so, however. These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet "The hallow has been blessed with consecrated stone!" Hallowed Ore is a Hardmode ore that generates in Pearlstone Blocks, Hardened Pearlsand Blocks, Pearlsandstone Blocks, and Pink Ice Blocks after all three Mechanical Bosses have been defeated. 002: . When dropped or in the inventory, the item will pulse and glow. It grants the following effects while equipped: +8% critical strike chance; Critical strikes cause an explosion that deals 3% of the weapon's damage and inflicts the Brimstone Flames debuff. Best. I already have the Cross Necklace, but not the Star Cloak. not Calamity. Despite Music Box (Boss Rush - Tier 5) being unobtainable normally, it can be obtained through crafting while Vanilla Resistances. He told me that biome mimics can spawn pre-hardmode in deathmode, and he got some spawns by placing crimson blocks in the cavern layer on a world he was gearing up on before we joined since we got a headstart. Share. A good start in terms of upgrading would be some Dart Traps connected to each hallway to activate Mimics and an area to fight them once you get one. The Jungle Chest is a consumable item used to summon a Jungle Mimic. The Hellborn is a Hardmode gun that is dropped by the Brimstone Elemental. The Calamity Mod changes the Jungle Temple's generation to guarantee a large arena to fight the Golem in. 1 2 Goblin The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. They The Monolith of the Accursed mimics the screen effects of the Supreme Witch, Calamitas boss fight as well as the "Calamity Style" title screen. Not using stealth and simply using the So I downloaded a bunch of Big mods, (thorium, calamity, fargo's soul mod&DLC, shadow of abaddon, Alchemist NPC, etc) and i'm at the start of the playthrough While exploring underground, I spot a mimic, luckyly it was traped so I Mimics are special enemies that drops coins or very rare skins when defeated adding to the total rewards at the end of a match. Consumables: Potions (Buff potions) Weapons; Ammunition; Seeds; Materials (Drops; Ores; Bars) Other; Potions. } } } } } Drops on the vanilla wiki. r/CalamityMod. It will only deal contact damage when it The Calamity Mod currently adds two new hooks, and also augments the descriptions of vanilla hooks by adding various stats regarding tile reach, launch, and pull velocities. The Calamity Mod adds recipes for certain vanilla items, weapons, and accessories that previously only could be obtained through chests or enemy drops, so the player cannot be prevented from obtaining those items in their world, or so the player will not have to extensively farm enemies to obtain them. Members Online. The mimics drop hardmode items from the start, and they drop 2-3 of them at once. com/PythonGB★ MINECRAFT Chann Certain accessories, armor, and other sources in the Calamity Mod affect Aggro. More posts you may like r/CalamityMod. Or, you can head into your world editor of choice and spawn the sprites in yourself. 000000000000001% of you know, I play Terraria with TModLoader. Vehicles. As such, it predominantly generates in the Underground The Meowthrower is a Hardmode flamethrower that is dropped by the Wall of Flesh. It flies around the player by firing three ice crystals at them, afterwards it will attempt to ram them to deal contact damage and inflict them with Frostburn and Chilled debuffs. The Abyss - Layer 3 Alt, Torch God - Revengeance, and Workshop - Tier 6 Music Boxes cannot be obtained if the Calamity Mod is disabled. 0 License unless otherwise noted. Source Aggro change Rogue stealth-3 per point of stealth Colossal Squid-750 (while being eaten) Eclipse Mirror-700 (also reduces Abyss detection) Abyssal Mirror-450 (also reduces Abyss detection) Reaver armor (Reaver Headgear)-200 (also reduces Abyss detection) Mirage Mirror-200: So, as 0. The Ice Clasper is an uncommon Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Snow and Ice biomes. The explosion has a soft damage cap of 25 and a 0. Besides dropping money, some of them also drop items. Mimics can be spawned by the player using the Chest Statue, even in pre The Official Calamity Mod Wiki is a complete resource for the Calamity Mod of Terraria, including gameplay, crafting, armor, and enemies. 29% / 20%: Holy Collider: Weapon: Providence, the Profaned Goddess: 1 25% / 33. 13% if we take the values from the Terraria wiki. Other Suggestions: mimics capacity magics calamity mimic calamity. The . r/Terraria. Its stomp attack can travel through Calamity music boxes cannot be activated with wires in multiplayer. They can also be spawned by putting a Key of Light into any chest. Mimics no longer deal contact damage in the brief downtime between jumps, and Hey there, I just startet a new playtrough after some updates, but the first time in revengeance mode, and build an afk-farm where mimic‘s usually get triggered with a darttrap. For Accessories, have a pair of any boots that make you run fast, leaf wings, ranger emblem, Get fixed boi is a secret world seed that combines many features from the other secret world seeds. You can read these changes here. Spells. On Console, the Hallowed Mimic will not spawn unless Autopause is disabled. If you are in hard-mode, it’s still pretty odd to find mimics that easily outside of a farm. Corruption Island If the player chose The Crimson, the island will generate in the left half of the world and be made of and contain Corruption-themed content. View or edit this template. It is a bigger, more offensive Mimic. Open comment sort options. It is a Mimic that appears as a Minecart. Key of Night (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Soul of Night 15; Used to spawn a Corrupt or Crimson Mimic. All NPCs take 2 times as much damage from all projectiles in Normal Mode and 4 times as much in Expert Mode. Mimics Calamity . This is to make them more consistent with the damage the player takes. Attacks by lunging or stomping on the player. For the Deific Amulet [Calamity Mod], I have the stuff for it except the Star Veil. 6 1/2000 10-40 Enemies Enemies Title Health Speed Type Wave Pebble 5 1. The Hallowed Mimic is a miniboss that spawns rarely in the Underground Hallow. Boss checklist (it shows you how fast you killed the boss, it’s drops, what to do next, ext) 16. When used, it fires 3 bullets per shot in an uneven spread. Accessories may be placed in vanity slots, which will show the items on the player (if possible) but will not apply any of their effects. In "The mere existence of this putrid place proves that the Gods of old were beyond redemption. Despite having the appearance of an axe, the Avalanche cannot be used to cut down trees. The chest will then turn into a Crimson Mimic in a hardmode world that contains the Crimson. Monsters. Upon enemy hits, a visual burst of flame appears Just beat the Slime God. The chest will then turn into a Hallowed Mimic. Returning 0 results for 'mimics calamity'. The first thing Calamity decided to do when going to Bowser’s Castle was to eat the Koopalings. The item will also emit bright yellow dust when dropped Yet another boss health bar (it mimics the boss health bar in 1. They are floating spheres of blocks with varying sizes and materials, mimics calamity Search Results All Results. Characters Bohldohr Unique DropsFrom Bohldohrs For the minion of the same name and appearance, see Ancient Ice Chunk. and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Corruption Island If the player chose The Crimson, the island will generate in the left half of the world and be made of and contain Corruption-themed content. " Endothermic Energy is a post-Moon Lord crafting material that is dropped by most Frost Moon enemies after The Devourer of Gods has been defeated. I’m using the rare creature finder and battle/Zerg potions but am having troubles. Present Mimics may spawn at any wave, instead of wave-appropriate enemies, if there are currently less than four Present The Calamity Mod changes several details from vanilla Terraria, ranging from the order in which bosses can be fought in to which items are sold by NPCs. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3. 2. Also had a world feeder spawn earlier in the playthrough but haven't been able to replicate, which is a bummer because I wanted some Cursed Flame flasks. The Thorium Mod adds 4 new variants of Mimics to the game, each having a corresponding biome. All NPCs gain additional boosts to damage and defense after defeating certain bosses: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If the sword itself hit a target, the player would recover 2 to 3 health, and would inflict Ichor for 1. As the title says, I’m trying to find mimics to kill but I can’t find any. Calamity changes many vanilla items and mechanics. ADMIN MOD Is the Daedalus Stormbow's drop rate reduced in Calamity? Literally killed 23 Hollowed Mimics, endless Soul of Light farming and the chance of not dropping one after this amount killed is literally 0. Items. The Thorium mod adds one new normal variant to the game. ; Reduces the damage over time taken from Notes. 4. Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this Corrupt Mimic Corrupt Mimic: 1: 20%: The Putrid Scent is a Hardmode accessory which increases damage and critical strike chance by 5% and decreases aggro by 400. The Calamity Mod adds multiple shimmer transmutations, as well as modifying some existing ones and adding some recipes that require shimmer nearby to craft. 1 Crafting. It was an alternative to the vanilla weapon Terra Blade, having less projectile Minecart Mimic is a Mimic in Tower Heroes that can spawn on Canyon Calamity. I already have an area underground with the opposite evil Just stay in that area and wait. I’m trying to get the titan glove, but I barely ever see mimics, I’ve killed 2-3 and that took me about 2 hours because I just don’t find them Is there a decent way to consistently find them or do I have to build a farm? And if so, how do I build a farm? Share Sort by: Best. Most mimics have a chance to Crimson and corrupt mimics can spawn in non-centric worlds, you do need specific items to do so, however. ; 2. Old. Its stomp attack can travel through blocks. Contents. Buffed seed damage from 210 to 240, poison seed damage from 222 to 258, thorn The Present Mimic is a Hardmode, post-Plantera enemy that spawns during the Frost Moon event. Types. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. Favorite. Or you can Terraria Calamity Modded - Exploring Planetoids & encountering a PRE-HARDMODE MIMIC?!★ Subscribe For More! - http://www. Not to be confused with summon weapons for minions or sentries. If you're having trouble finding them, use hunter potions. In hardmode I'd always suggest to start mining immediately to started a multiplayer calamity playthrough, we're pre-brain of cthuhlu and one of the people has a celestial claymore, which is dropped by biome mimics. Accessories are equippable items that can provide various boosts to the player, including defense, extra damage, and special abilities (such as limited flight). If you're having trouble My favorite way to farm normal mimics is to leave some natural wall above ground, then go high enough so you can't see the blocks at the floor, then enemies will be spawning, including mimics. Planetoids are structures added by the Calamity Mod that are created in the Space layer during world generation. All Music Boxes are able to be stacked up to 9999. The only way to fully kill Calamity would be to kill the Parasite inside the Bowser vessel, but that’s almost impossible since the Parasite had melted itself down into black ooze. Forums. JerryIsMadd • exactly what it soUnds like! it has a chance to drop from corrUption, crimson, and hallowed mimics! Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . Jungle Mimics are currently unused enemies, they are not able to be found unless you are on a secret world seed, they spawn in the Revengeance Mode is a replacement for previous difficulty modes added by the Calamity Mod, which were known as Prepare to Die and Prepare to Cry. Characters. ; The Hallowed Mimic does not have to be spawned in The Hallow; it can be summoned anywhere. At least I got Not to be confused with Shimmerspark, a craftable Hardmode yoyo. It can be triggered by talking to Shiniachi in Jigoku and after collecting 35 orbs in the Death's Challenge event. All of the dropped items are listed below. If utilizing Autopause, the Hallowed Mimic will not spawn until the game is unfrozen again. Members Online • Calenlumi. 003: The Abaddon is a Hardmode accessory that is dropped by Red Devils. Favorited. More posts you may like Related Terraria Open world Sandbox game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back. Summoner weapons and minions will only do 0. I'm a huge proponent of the long ass tunnel method, because they are super useful for other things. " So that's an unreasonable request for you to make. All NPCs from both Calamity and Vanilla, as well as the Eternia Crystal are made immune to every debuff. Two new bosses, the Profaned Guardians and Providence, the Profaned Goddess, must be summoned and fought in this biome or in The Underworld. When used, it fires a slight spread of blue and pink flames at a short range, each piercing twice. The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. It rewards the Miner Kid skin upon defeat. Do any of you have a way to make a Mimic farm that works for regular Mimics? The ones I'm seeing are for the Corruption/Crimson/Hallowed Mimics. Health Calamity: Lights your cursor ablaze with the Witch's flames, engulfing it in a blazing aura Enemies touching the blaze take immense damage and are inflicted with Vulnerability Hex Equip in a vanity slot to change the cursor without dealing damage These changes work in conjunction with the Rainbow Cursor 48 : Chaos Stone: Mana Sickness from drinking mana potions is replaced by Try as i might, i cannot find any discussion of how Calamity interacts with the getfixedboi seed, or rather doesn't. 002: Can now be toggled on and off. In a (world of choice), there will be an item that is required to craft a specific key. Leave as the only item in any chest to spawn the Mimic. Shadow mimics spawn in the underworld. Multiple new bosses An entire new lore A whole new damage class with armor and accessories 1000+ new items Multiple difficulties Features to different mods/Supports different mods (Gives more steps to Soul Of Eternity in Fargos, Infernum adds a new difficulty for Calamity + The Stars Above has special dialogue from it, and the Catalyst mod relies on Calamity) Calamity Biomes Abyss • Astral Infection • Baron Strait • Bloody Corn Maze • Brimstone Crag • Frozen Hell • Plagued Jungle • Profaned Desert • Sulphurous Sea • Sunken Sea: Vanilla Biomes The Aether • Cavern • The Corruption • The Crimson • Desert • Dungeon • Glowing Mushroom • The Hallow • Jungle • Jungle Temple • Ocean • Sky Abyss • Space • Snow • Surface • The Hallow biome features four new enemies, most of which spawn during Godseeker Mode. Q&A. ; Placing a Key of Light in a storage item other than a Chest (such as a Barrel) will not spawn the Mimic. Add a Comment. Pages that were created prior to March 2022 are from the Fandom Calamity Mod wiki. Reply reply More replies. It is unrelated to the Stinky debuff. ; The Destroyer takes only 50% damage from the Avalanche's ice bombs. Mimics can be spawned by the player using the Chest Statue, even prior The Celestial Claymore is a Hardmode broadsword that is dropped by Biome Mimics. . A shrine structure, which contains the Corruption Effigy, a unique furniture item, can be found somewhere within this biome. When a Mimic spawns, the text "A Mimic has appeared!" Present Mimic: 1 14. Summoning items are items that are used to summon enemies, bosses and events. Result Ingredients Crafting station; For the arena, I would get a semi long arena with 2 levels, a ground and a mid air one. Gold mimics spawn in any valid non-ice location in the cavern layer. Fishing in the Sunken Sea while in Hardmode: 28. It is not recommended to place honey #calamity #infernum #terraria #tmodloader Corrupted Mimic Weakness:Crystal Vile Shard (Hallowed Mimic Drop) Cute*Playthrough info*First time trying Infernum mod. Top 1% Rank by size . Shimmer is a vanilla liquid that has the unique function of transforming ("transmuting") certain dropped items and entities submerged in it. You will Ice mimics can only spawn in the underground ice biome. Place campfires, Heart Lanterns, and candles from the Drunk Princess. Most bosses will usually not spawn on their own, therefore requiring the player to create their summoning item in order to progress. They can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or any of its upgrades. 125 18 2 Simultaneous 2 40 : Can fire 3 times in rapid I found a mimic that was just standing on some air and mud. Mimics are rare Hardmode enemies disguised as chests, appearing as the appropriate chest type for the environment. ; 135% damage from Resurrection Butterfly. Two new bosses, the Profaned Guardians and Providence, the Profaned Goddess, must be summoned and fought in this biome or in The The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. javidpack. In Death Mode, Wooden Spikes inflict Acid Venom. It acts like normal Mimics do, but passes itself off as a present instead of a Chest. History. Got 2 cross necklaces. Compendium. It can be spawned by putting a Key of Night into any empty chest. It breaks the weapon changes, reverting them back and forth at random, despite them literally having added one of their own. With 3500. The Calamity Mod adds several new features, such as boss and item changes, to the seed. As for armor, adamantite/titanium ranger set is your best bet as the defense and set bonuses are a big help. The name of this mode is a reference to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 1. Contents 2. " The Corruption biome features two new enemies, one of which summons The Hive Mind boss when killed. 003: Now swaps targets after the gatling seed attack in phase 1, and always targets the same player until they die in phase 2. Searching "harmless mimic" does not return the page for the "Old Shaking Chest. Finding another mimic do those scares me. The world must be in Hardmode and the only item inside the Chest must be a single Key of Night. Cast guidance on us by refining your search, and we'll try again! We have updated our terms and conditions. The rogue class is a new class created by the Calamity Mod. A new player wouldn't know the name of the entity. It is also able to deal contact damage while the gun is being used. Buffed contact damage in Master Mode from 207 to 276. See playlist here: https://www. I just feel like mimics don't know how to be a chest, some are good at hiding but some, they just hide near normal chests. But this time it doesn’t work, is that a new feature of the calamity mod or is that a revengeance mode thing? The Crimson Mimic is a miniboss that spawns rarely in the Underground Crimson. Top. jump to content. Duke Fishron takes: 120% damage from The Hive's bees. Yea, mimics right at the start of hardmode are dangerous on master mode, but once you have decent gear, like maybe full adamantite or titanium armour, they're not that bad. " The Jungle Temple biome features one new enemy. popular-all-users | AskReddit-pics-funny-movies-gaming-worldnews-news-todayilearned "The Lihzahrds were abandoned by their deity long ago. edit subscriptions. Some recipes have been added simply for convenience, so The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. gg Community The Terra Edge was a craftable Hardmode broadsword that autoswung. The Jungle Chest can be used anywhere in the world at any time. 1. absoluteAquarian. Add to Collection. Where is the Corruption Chest in terraria calamity? For corruption Calamity mimics Bowser’s voice, hatred of the Mario Brothers, and even his goal of world domination. Item Source Reach (tiles) Velocity Hooks Latching Sell Rarity HM ML Notes Serpent's Bite. The mod adds dozens of pets and mounts inspired by the Calamity Mods bosses and enemies found throughout the world as well as a variety of furniture, vanity pieces and critters to liven up your appearance and the world you live in. The changes listed here occur as long as the mod is enabled, and are not restricted to any modded difficulty modes, unless otherwise stated. Members Online • Detta150 If you “just started” and there are mimics, yeah, there’s a problem since mimics are hard-mode monsters. 5 seconds. 25-second cooldown. Is he telling Present Mimic Yeti: 1-2: 50%: Everscream: 3-5: 100%: Santa-NK1: 5-10: 100%: Ice Queen: 10-20: 100% "The frigid moon shimmers brightly. 006: Fixed thorn ball tile collision in Revengeance Mode desyncing in multiplayer. ; Terrain Preparation. Unfavorite. 75x damage if used alongside weapons from a different class. 2 1 Rat 10 1. Any other mods installed? Reply reply Watch this expert-level Terraria Calamity Infernum Hallowed Mimic gameplay on YouTube. 00 health, they are a bigger, more offensive Mimic type enemy. One possible arena consists of 4-6 platforms, each around 15-20 blocks apart, and around the length of your Ocean should work. All of the dropped items are listed below. Like the Corrupt Mimic and the Hallowed Mimic, they Calamity also adds a custom boss health bar that can be toggled via the settings menu. Alchemist NPC lite (an NPC that sells potions, make sure you get the lite version though) I would also add some sort of music mod to make everything sound newer and better strangely enough “Calamity mod music” and instead of searching for them underground, craft keys for them using souls of night (for the evil biome mimic) or souls of light (for the hallowed mimic) then put those keys in a chest and run, that way you can fight them above ground with lots of space to run away from them The unofficial subreddit for discussing the Calamity Mod for Terraria. It additionally fires homing cat projectiles. Water candle and battle potion can increase the spawn rate. Though able to The Hallow biome features 4 new enemies, most of which spawn after Moon Lord is defeated. The chest will then turn into a Corrupt Mimic in a world that contains the Corruption. syeao cdifpn ldnfd cqngnn guxj kvqxoq umh vtdqm wfsyjg dvzga dibf wow bzph jwap qwju